Embolden PCPA who we serve icon shield with hand

Who We Serve

Are we a good fit for you?

Are you an employer providing health or human services in Pennsylvania? Are you committed to a safe workplace for your employees? Do you want workers’ compensation coverage that values the vital services you deliver? Are you willing to partner with similar employers to self-insure workers’ compensation coverage?

If you answer “Yes” to the above, contact Embolden WC Trust to learn more!
who we serve map

Who Our Members Serve

Our members provide top-notch services to a variety of vulnerable populations across Pennsylvania, including the following:

Persons with mental health and substance use disorders

Persons with intellectual disabilities, developmental disabilities, disorders on the autism spectrum, brain injuries and dementia

Persons who are homeless or requiring emergency shelter

Victims of sexual assault and abuse

Infants, children, and youth requiring foster care and/or adoption

Persons who require home health care

At-risk seniors requiring residential support and care

Infants and children at risk due to one or more development delays and/or disabilities

At-risk youth and adults involved with the forensic system

At-risk youth requiring residential and/or educational settings